
音标/读音 ['klenlinis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 清洁, 干净

n. the habit of keeping free of superficial imperfections
n. diligence in keeping clean



And he would have had issues with cleanliness or cleaning.


It's no substitute for cleanliness, but this will have to do.

没办法清洁了 希望这样能行吧

Discipline, the importance of cleanliness and order.

懂自律 爱干净 守秩序

Between this and the shower curtain, cleanliness is important to them.

鉴于这一点和浴帘 清洁对他们很重要

Respect, cleanliness you learn how to be a man.

尊重他人 保持整洁 教你如何成为一个男人

Cleanliness next to godliness. I shan't likely forget that.

卫生 虔诚 我肯定记得住

Maintaining the cleanliness of the church is a service for the monks.

保持教堂清洁 是僧侣的职责

It's not just the comparing. It's also cleanliness, *egma.

不只是比較 也是為了清潔 以免有*垢

Your cleanliness is your responsibility, but I expect it taken serious.

收拾整洁是你自己的事 但我希望你认真对待

I'm a sucker for cleanliness, so this is actually much better.

我有点洁癖 所以这样更好