
音标/读音 ['difikәlti]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 困难, 难点

n. a factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result
n. a condition or state of affairs almost beyond one's ability to deal with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome
n. the quality of being difficult



No. I'm talking about the difficulties between you and me.

不 我说的是我俩之间的艰难

I have difficulty understanding what they were doing here.


The very difficulty of it is why you must.

它难就难在 你必须这么做的理由

No doubt he'd be having the same difficulty you're having.


As I said, he's been having difficulties.

我说了 他现在还不清醒

And because of this, they have a lot of difficulty with language.

因此 他们在语言上存在很大的困难

They're telling me that you have difficulty being close with her.

你的灵魂向导告诉我 你在与她亲近方面有问题

That is the difficulty to see and hear them.

这才是最难的 要看到并听到他

There was some difficulties in the past, but we overcame them.

过去是有些困难 但是我们已经克服了

I always thought there were difficulties between you.

