
音标/读音 ['dʌlnis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[医] 迟钝, 浊音

n. the quality of being slow to understand
n. the quality of lacking interestingness
n. a lack of visual brightness



cutlery and my mom used to say that only dull people use dull knives.

厨具 我妈妈经常说 迟钝的人才用钝刀

And if we did, it would be pretty dull.

就算录了像 也没什么可看的

Not yet. If it was a knife, it would have been very dull.

还不清楚 如果是刀 肯定是非常钝的

Each night is the same dull, unexciting.

每晚都是这样 无聊 乏味

You couldn't bear the dullness of life.


And yet, it doesn't dull your courage.

然而 这并没有折损你的勇气

You are so dull, you could stiffen diarrhoea.

你太无趣了 听你说话 拉稀都能憋成便秘

For instance, I once thought of you as dull and plodding.

比如 我曾觉得你无聊没劲呢

I would have to be a dull fellow to have learnt nothing at all.

我要是什么也没学会 是不是也太笨了

I'm sure it's tempting to dull those senses.
