
音标/读音 ['deindʒә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 危险, 威胁
[法] 危险, 危险物, 危机

n. the condition of being susceptible to harm or injury
n. a cause of pain or injury or loss
n. a dangerous place



You are a danger to yourself and a danger to me.

对自己是个威胁 对我也是

If it's too dangerous for her, then it's too dangerous for you.

如果这对她来说太危险 那对你来说也是

When I say it's too dangerous, it's too dangerous.

我要是说太危险了 那就是太危险了

We think he's in danger, very real danger.

我们认为他身处危险 很大的危险

Each patient in here should be considered dangerous or a danger to himself.

每一个病人在这里都应该得到我们的尊重 对别人或对自己都是非常危险的

Danger if we proceed, but in my estimation, more danger if we do not.

如果继续会有危险 但照我的估计 不继续会更危险

They felt she was a danger to herself and a danger to others.


We knew she was in danger, she knew she was in danger.

我们知道她有危险 她也清楚

They're only dangerous in the command of dangerous people.


So, I say the only danger is the danger of delay.

所以 我认为唯一的危险就是拖延时间
