n. 年龄, 老年, 成年, 寿命, 时代, 时期
v. 变老, 成熟
n. how long something has existed
n. a time of life (usually defined in years) at which some particular qualification or power arises
v. begin to seem older; get older
v. make older
both now and ever, and to the ages of ages.
and Your AllHoly Good and Lifecreating Spirit
It was the age of wisdom. It was the age of foolishness.
是个充满智慧 同时又愚昧无知的年代
It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.
"那是智慧的年头" "那是愚昧的年头"
The age of the victims has stayed the same as the unsub has aged.
They know a true age, not the true age.
她们只知道"一个"真实年龄 那也不是真实的
So there you are. I haven't had this for ages.
给你 我很多年没喝这个了
Your views of your own ageing are going to largely determine how you age.
你认为的自身年龄 很大程度的决定了你真实的年龄
The same age I was when he did that to me.
我也是7岁时 开始被他*
I'm gonna tell you, when I was his age, age he was in the room with us, I was in the *in' jungle.
相信我 我在他那么大的时候 他在审讯室那么大的时候 已经参军打仗了
The least informed person my age knows more than the most informed person your age.
我这个年龄段最不了解时事的人 也比你这个年龄段最见多识广的人知道的事多