
音标/读音 ['fʌndʒisaid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 杀真菌剂
[化] 杀菌剂; 防霉剂

n any agent that destroys or prevents the growth of fungi



So it would react very dangerously to a modern fungicide.

所以当它遇到现代的杀菌剂时 很可能产生非常极端的反应

It is far more resilient, and the fungicide will not kill it.

它更有活力 普通的杀菌剂根本没法杀死它

The sensors we planted are showing wide di*ursement of the fungicide.

我们放置的传感器显示 杀菌剂已经得到广泛传播

Now, this sensor disc will pick up di*ursement efficacies of the fungicide.

这个感应器 能够监测到杀菌剂的释放效果

Uh, then we have a serious problem, because they're spraying the infectious disease ward with a fungicide right now.

那可要出大事了 因为那帮医生现在正在给流行病的病房 *杀菌剂呢

Anyone with medical training will tell you that standard operating procedure is to get a sample of the pathogen, grow it, and test against a variety of fungicides over two to four weeks.

每个受过医疗教育的人都会告诉你 标准手术程序是先找一份病原体样本 放进培养皿 然后进行耐药性测试 要花上两到四周时间
