
音标/读音 ['infәntail]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 婴儿的, 幼稚的, 初期的
[医] 婴儿的, 幼稚的

a. of or relating to infants or infancy
s. being or befitting or characteristic of an infant



I haven't got time for infantile games.


It didn't amuse me when we were dating and it's even more infantile now.

我们约会时这没把我逗笑 现在这更加幼稚了

Well, either you're trying to infantilize me or bore me to death.

你要么是把我当小孩 要么就是想让我无聊死

I'm not keen on infantilizing, but I would be willing to let it slide for a proper dance.

我不喜欢被人当小孩看 但跟我好好跳个舞我就放过你

Sudden mood swings, infantile regression, abdominal pain.

突*绪波动 回归幼稚心态 腹痛

The way those godawful mustaches that run the palace continue to infantilize me.

那些可怕的白胡子们管理着王宫 把我当孩子

Your attempts at distraction are infantile and predicated upon a fundamental misunderstanding of what I am.

你试图分散注意力的行为很幼稚 是基于对我的根本误解

I think with these goodlooking boys, they get infantilized at an early age.

我觉得这些漂亮的男孩 他们小时候都被宠坏了

But not in, like, that creepy infantile way that some guys like game night.

但不像有些人那样 *幼稚地喜欢

I don't know what sort of level of infantile narcissist you are right now, but our son has finally found a teacher he enjoys.

我不清楚你现在那种 幼稚的自恋狂心态到哪种级数了 但我们儿子终于找到了一个他喜欢的老师