
音标/读音 ['fendә]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 防卫物, 挡泥板

n. a barrier that surrounds the wheels of a vehicle to block splashing water or mud
n. an inclined metal frame at the front of a locomotive to clear the track
n. a low metal guard to confine falling coals to a hearth



With that, it's time to hit the track and set up for the fender bender to end all fender benders.

有了这些 是时候来一场 惊天地泣鬼神的汽车追尾事故了

I'm fine. It was just a fender bender.

没事 就是撞到了保险杠

Couple more seconds, and you'd have been fender meat.

再晚个几秒 你就变成挡泥板上的肉酱了

Too bad this wasn't just a fender bender.


I remember when you were 16, you dented the fender of my pontiac.

我记得你16岁时 你撞凹了我的庞蒂克汽车挡泥板

For instance, I was catching up on this fender bender over breakfast.

比如 我早饭时就在了解这起小车祸

Heck of a lot of bullets for a fender bender.

对一场小车祸来说 打的子弹有点多啊

Gibson had some sort of bizarre fender bender at lunch.


I just got in a little fender bender. It's nothing.

我只是出了个小车祸 没事

Two inches the other way and he'd have hit his head on the fender.

再往旁边偏五厘米的话 他的头就撞到壁炉的栅栏上了