
音标/读音 ['debju:tɑ:nt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 初进社交界的少女/女子, 初次登台的女演员

n. a young woman making her debut into society



And my mother was a debutante, and so was I.

我妈妈是个名媛 我也是

So I was the only one in my class who wasn't a debutante.


I wish I could go to the debutante ball.


The debutante's date is called an escort.


I figured you silvertongued her back to the debutante ball.


Nope, just crashing some dumb debutante's party.

不 只是来蹭某个愚蠢名媛的派对

And it's not some debutante with a bougie ear who doesn't want to disturb her pearls.

绝对不是 一个耳朵有问题 光顾自己妆容不乱的名媛

Oh, I'm an aging debutante papering my emptiness and regrets with thrillseeking.

我是个芳华不再的交际花 只能寻求*来填补 我的空虚和遗憾

A cotillion's a formal ball, especially one where debutantes are presented.

沙龙舞是一种正式的舞会 会介绍很多初入上流社会的年轻女子

The debutantes will now join their escorts on the floor for a waltz.

*的女孩们将和她们的护花使者一起 献上华尔茨