
音标/读音 [lu:.i:zi'ænә]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 路易斯安那(美国州名)

n. a state in southern United States on the Gulf of Mexico; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War



Louisiana is no stranger to sex trafficking.


Louisiana, I assume you mean vice president.

路易斯安那州 你想说的是副总统吧

Louisiana's humid climate means mushroom hunting happens almost year round.

路易斯安那州潮湿的气候 意味着蘑菇在一年四季都采摘得到

So I've enlisted the help of a local forager, who was raised eating delicacies found in the swamps of louisiana.

所以我找了当地一个觅食者帮忙 他是吃着路易斯安那州沼泽地的美味佳肴长大的