n. 染眉毛油
vt. 在...上涂染眉毛油
n. makeup that is used to darken and thicken the eye lashes
Please tell me it wasn't the mascara.
I don't see a connection with our mascara.
None of this waterproof mascara actually is.
If I'm gonna ruin my mascara, this is not the way I'm gonna do it.
我可不打算用这种方式 弄花我的睫毛
Right, whatever this mascara is, I want it now.
不管这是哪个睫毛膏 我现在就要买
But my mascara is waterproof if I want to later or something.
如果我之后想哭 我的睫毛膏事防水的
I keep touching up my mascara every ten minutes.
'cause her mom won't let her wear mascara to school.
He is cranking through my mascara like a street whore, but it's worth it.
虽然他涂着我的睫毛膏 打扮得跟外面的妖艳货色一样 但绝对值了
At $800,000 a minute, maybe it should be a song about mascara.
一分钟80万美金的价格 够买一首写睫毛膏的歌了