
音标/读音 ['gritinis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 有砂砾, 坚韧不拔

n. The quality of being gritty.



Your films are challenging and gritty, and they're great.

你的电影*又逼真 全都很赞

Guys, we have to stay tough and gritty.

同志们 我们需要保持强硬

It's not like raw or gritty, so I'm just.

不应该是这么生硬的 我想想

Carolyn, you are my gritty, witty city kitty.

卡洛琳 你是我坚韧机智高大上的小猫咪

I need a little bit more grittiness and dirtiness getting into it because that's what you're up against.

我需要更多一点狂野不羁的感觉 因为这正是你们需要面对的东西

My next project is a serious, gritty action film.

我下一个项目是一部正经的 坚韧的动作片

But in a place that's gritty and dark and damp, oh, my god.

但在一个粗糙 黑暗 潮湿的地方 天啊

I mean, I kind of change the subject when we get into the nitty gritty.

每次我们谈到细枝末节的时候 我就把话题岔开了

Throbbing bass, the lone whistle, the gritty caw of gears grinding.

震动的贝斯 孤单的口哨声 还有齿轮摩擦的沙哑声

You can tell how coarse is it, cos when you chew it, it's quite gritty between your teeth.

可以确定有多粗糙 因为一嚼 在牙齿间有砂砾感