
音标/读音 [dʌst]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

v. [古]do的第二人称单数.现在式

2d pers. sing. pres. of Do.



Dost thou not see my baby at my breast.


I fear thou dost look too much upon this affliction.


No more, I say: If thou dost plead for them, thou wilt but add increase unto my wrath.

休要多言 你再有只言片语替他们求情 只会令我狂怒更盛

If thou dost it half so gravely, so majestically, both in word and matter, hang me up by the heels for a rabbitsucker or a poulter's hare.

要是你在言语之间 能够及得上我一半的庄重严肃 我愿意让你 把我像一只兔子般倒挂起来

I'll give thee fairies to attend on thee, and they shall fetch thee jewels from the deep, and sing while thou on pressed flowers dost sleep; and I will purge thy mortal grossness so that thou shalt like an airy spirit go.

我让小精灵们侍奉你左右 他们会从海底里捞起珍宝献给你 当你在花床上睡去的时候 给你歌唱 我会给你涤去尘世的俗气 使你身轻得像个精灵一样
