
音标/读音 ['dʒu:pitә]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 朱庇物(罗马神话中的主神), 木星

n. the largest planet and the 5th from the sun; has many satellites and is one of the brightest objects in the night sky
n. (Roman mythology) supreme god of Romans; counterpart of Greek Zeus



Jupiter is quite unlike what we thought it was before.


Jupiter, lord of thunder and lightning, didn't disappoint.

作为"雷电之王" 木星不负众望

Jupiter was expected to be relatively abundant in water.

据预测 木星上会有相对丰富的水含量

Jupiter may have been responsible for the ultimate planetary crime.


Jupiter is still two and a half times bigger than that.


Jupiter still has 79 other moons, so you shouldn't miss it much.

木星还有79颗卫星 所以你应该不会很在意

Jupiter is not so much a gas giant as a liquid metal giant.

木星与其说是个气态巨行星 不如说是个液体金属巨行星

Jupiter's radiation environment is the most dangerous environment for a spacecraft to go into.

木星的辐射环境 对于要接近它的航天器来说 最危险不过了

Jupiter himself would find cause to tremble if he laid hand upon you.

就算是朱庇特敢动你 我也要让他悔青肠子

Jupiter always wanted to see the house with the big red door.
