n. 塞子, 圆木塞, 桶孔, (非正式)家畜的盲肠/肛门
vt. (非正式)丢, 使膨胀, 掷, 投, 推, 塞住
n. a plug used to close a hole in a barrel or flask
v. close with a cork or stopper
So when I've bunged the *er somewhere.
I was thinking, you could just bung most of that on a credit card.
我在想 你可以 用信用卡付掉大部分的钱
If you're all bunged up, then inhaling eucalyptus essential oil could help.
如果你有鼻塞症状 吸入桉树的精油也许会有效果
The other sailors put bungs in their ears so they wouldn't hear the siren song.
水手們戴上耳塞 這樣才聽不到塞壬的歌聲
I don't know if it's the weather, psychosomatic or what, but there seems to have been an effect, in terms of I'm just not bunged up as much as I used to be.
ҲȷDzĹϵ Ч ûǰô
Now, one of the things that fascinates me about both your disciplines of fighting is the amount you eat the calories you have to bung in every day.
你们二位从事的运动 拳击也好 摔跤也好 能大吃大喝总是让我心生向往 你们每天都吃掉好多卡路里
I want to help three people who regularly suffer from symptoms, which leave them feeling bunged up and regularly reaching for the tissues.
我打算帮助三位长期饱受鼻窦炎折磨的病人 使他们远离鼻塞 和对卫生纸的频繁使用
All you need to do is put a little bit of this on your chest or your temples when you're going to bed, help you clear out bunged up nasal passages and really get you a great night's sleep.
你只需要取一点药膏 在睡前涂在胸前或者太阳穴上 就能够帮你疏通阻塞的鼻腔 让你晚上睡个好觉
You partbake that and then when that comes out, spoon the mixture into the base of the pastry base and then take another piece of pastry and lay that over the top, pop a hole in the centre, trim off the excess and bung it in the oven and it will be done in about 30 to 40 minutes.
预焙 然后取出半成品 把馅料放进派皮 盖上另一张面皮 在中间戳个洞 修除多余的面皮 进烤箱 烤30至40分钟即可