
音标/读音 ['sauәpus]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 整天绷着脸的人, 讨人嫌的家伙

n. someone with a habitually sullen or gloomy expression



That would explain why she was a sourpuss this morning.


I'm not being a sourpuss. I just didn't wanna be at that celebrations.

我不是扫你兴 我只是不想呆在那个庆典里

You know, he's the, uh, old sourpuss with all the charm of a clawhammer.

你知道 他是 呃 老討厭鬼 有着洪金豹般的魅力

Now remember, no gentleman wants to spend the evening with a sourpuss.

记住 绅士们都不喜欢满脸愁容的女人

And if you find that nogood bum, you tell him not to show his sourpuss around here again.

如果你们找到那废物 叫他再别回来了