
音标/读音 [grәus]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 总数, 总量
a. 总共的, 未打折扣的, 恶劣的, 粗野的
vt. 总共收入

n. twelve dozen
n. the entire amount of income before any deductions are made
v. earn before taxes, expenses, etc.
a. before any deductions



It's gross. It's scales. It can't be gross.

真恶心 它是音阶 不可能恶心

It's not gross. I'm a gross person.

不恶心 我就是个恶心的人

There's gross for you, and there's gross for everyone else.

你对"恶心"的定义 和常人的不在一个境界

Which is normally gross, but we're not gonna make it gross.

一般都很恶心 但我们不会做得很恶心

That is gross, and I am out of here.

这个好恶心 而我要出门了

You guys are not not grossing me out.


No, that's gross. with my stories.

别说了 太恶心了 用我的故事

It's gross. I'm not reaching in there.

太恶心了 我不会去碰的

Aw, that's so not as gross as normal.


Saw that with my own eyes, too. It's gross.

这也是我亲眼所见 简直不堪
