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中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 很, 突出地, 非常

r. in an eminent manner



We love you, but you are eminently sabotageable.

我们爱你 但是你真的很容易被搞砸

Your eminence, as an orphan, I'm very familiar with this.

主教 作為孤兒 我很理解這種心理

I'll let their eminent advocates fill you in.


And you and your everburgeoning eminence needs protection from him.

而你如果想飞黄腾达 就得防着他

Your eminence, I've been in this place for many years.

主教閣下 我在這個地方待了許多年

Eminence, what a pleasure to see you after all these years.

主教大人 這麼多年以後還能再一睹尊榮真是我的榮幸

for eminent domain. It's a generous proposal.

土地支配权之上 是个很慷慨的提议

I have information of vital importance for his eminence.


A title of great eminence and stature.


Eminence, I am astounded at the results you have obtained.

大人 我为你取得的成就感到震惊