v. (使)减少, (使)变小
v. lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of
Because it would diminish what we have.
In order to experience the anxiety, which will then gradually diminish and the desire to wash their hands will diminish.
就是要让他们经历焦虑 这种焦虑会逐渐减少 而想洗手的念头也会逐渐减弱
Don't diminish yourself. I wouldn't be here without you.
别妄自菲薄 有你才有今天的我
Let's not diminish it by calling it a job.
我们不该称之为工作 这太贬低它了
I, too, am disappointed at its diminished power.
All of salem is diminished by your loss.
In doing so, you're diminishing him as someone who's important to you.
No, no, you purposely diminished my achievements.
不不 你故意抹杀了我的成就
Diminishes the value of the other two.
You've already compromised yourself and diminished yourself for me.
你已经委屈了自己 屈尊成全了我