
音标/读音 ['^lisәri:n]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 甘油, 丙三醇
[化] 甘油

n a sweet syrupy trihydroxy alcohol obtained by saponification of fats and oils



Pureed pears and glycerin suppository work for this guy.


Finishing it off with a teaspoon of glycerine, which helps the liquid spread around your mouth.

最后加入一茶勺甘油 它能使液体爽滑 易于漱口

And add in half a tablespoon of glycerin which helps the cream could be easily absorbed into the skin.

再加入半汤匙的甘油 这更易于皮肤吸收

One of the most common humectants in co*etic moisturisers is glycerin, and the higher it is on the ingredients list suggests the more of it there is in the product.

在护肤润肤产品中 最常见的保湿剂是甘油 在成分表中它的位置越靠前 表明在该产品中 它的含量越多
