
音标/读音 ['regjulәraiz]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 使有规则, 使有秩序, 调整

v. make regular or more regular



No, regular mean, like a regular lion.

不 正常的恶毒 就像正常狮子

I'm just a regular guy, with a regular enemies list.

我只是一名普通人 拥有一份普通的敌人名单

Some of us have regular work with regular work hours.


I just want a regular mom with a regular home.


I'm just a regular guy trying to live a regular life.


We're set ‭for a regular delivery, with a regular delivery boy.

我们约定由固定的送货员 定期交货

Why, I'd say that those socalled regular folks often turn out to be not so regular after all.

要我说 那些所谓的普通人 常常到头来并不那么普通

But the truth is, most of us were just regular people eating regular food.

但真相是 大多数人都是普通人 吃着普通的食物

And we could see there how the regularity in the shape of the guero or the cricket's wing is giving you regularity to the sound.

我们可以看出 刮鱼儿形状的规律性 或者蟋蟀翅膀的特征 是如何赋予声音规律性的

Now you can see there, that, actually, the regular notches are giving you regularity in the sound.

现在你们从这里可以看到 实际上 是规则排列的凹槽让你们听到规律的声音