
音标/读音 ['li:kiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[机] 漏, 漏泄

v tell anonymously
v be leaked
v enter or escape as through a hole or crack or fissure
v have an opening that allows light or substances to enter or go out



This leak, he believes, is a good leak.


I mighta leaked in you. I don't know if I came, I leaked a little bit.

我应该有泄在你身上 我不知道泄了因为只有一点点

I can't work the counter and fix the leak, and if I don't fix the leak, that's a health code violation that could shut us down.

我没法一边收银 一边修理漏水 如果漏水不及时修复的话 我们会因违反卫生规范*停业

There's some of it leaking out of the eye.


No, we're not, we're not springing any leaks.

不 不是 没有任何渗漏

the possibility that we have a leak.

I think we have to consider

And this was all in her diary, which, again, was leaked.

都在她的日记里 而且再一次被泄露了

Not if she doesn't stop those leaks.


But she wasn't at the meetings where there were leaks.


Bits of this is leaking out above here.

