
音标/读音 ['ʃæbinis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 衣衫褴褛, 吝啬, 卑鄙

n. a lack of elegance as a consequence of wearing threadbare or dirty clothing



It's shabby, but it could be very chic.

非常邋遢肮脏 但也可以弄得很别致

That wasn't too shabby, when you stabbed him with the pen.


The team's execution was not too shabby.


You've already proven you're not too shabby at improv.

你已经证明过了 你的临场发挥还不赖

This shabby old tarlatan will have to do.


When it's a late finish, the rooms aren't too shabby.

如果下班晚了 这里的房间起码不会太差

Yeah, all right, shabby, then, if you'd sooner.

好吧 不够仔细 如果你更喜欢这么说

It is a shade shabby, but the spirit of the neighborhood more than makes up for it.

它阴暗 破旧 但邻里间的 友好气氛绝对弥补了这一不足

A series of shabby identities in vulgar worlds.

一个接一个小角色 混迹人群

Oh, shabby chic, should be worth a few sestertii.

老舊時尚風 應該值幾個硬幣