
音标/读音 ['klæsik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 古典作品, 杰作, 大艺术家
a. 第一流的, 最优秀的, 古典的

n. a creation of the highest excellence
n. an artist who has created classic works



in 1955. It's a classic. In 1955. It's a classic.

这是经典之作 这是经典之作

You see, that's a classic negative response, from a classically negative man.

你瞧 這是個典型的負面反應 出自一個典型的負能量的人

It's classic in its own right, but no.

它本身的确是经典 但我不买它

These are the classical and neoclassical schools.


This, this is *ing classic, this guy.

这也太特么经典了 那*

And here's the last classic of the day.


It's a classic movie. It's alienating.

这是一部经典电影 这是在异化

You made him read it. It was classic.

你们让他读出来了 真是太棒了

When in doubt, go with the classics.

如果有迟疑 总是选经典

I know, I have a timeless classic for you.

我知道 我有个永不过时的经典
