
音标/读音 ['bri:ðә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 呼吸者, 使人喘气的事, 剧烈的运动
[机] 通气器

n a short respite
n air passage provided by a retractable device containing intake and exhaust pipes; permits a submarine to stay submerged for extended periods of time



Yeah, I think we should have a breather.

那个 我们还是暂停休息下吧

I thought you might need a breather.


With a clear head, you mouth breathers.

用清醒的头脑啊 你们这群蠢货

You had your shot, dust breather, but you failed.

你已经试过了 吸尘怪 但你失败了

Pop your helmets, everyone, we got breathers.

所有人 取下头盔 休息一下吧

Uh, the center is not equipped for water breathers.


After what we've been through this year, we just needed to take a breather.

经过我们今年所经历的一切 我们需要暂时分开 喘口气

I saw your *ing mouth breather scoping me out back there.


Happy to take a breather from this and watch you try and convince me.

正好我也想透透气 看看你要如何说服我

You know, look, let's just take a breather, and we'll try again.

要不我们歇一会 再试一次
