
音标/读音 ['nʌtʃel]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 坚果壳, 极小的东西

n. the shell around the kernel of a nut



That's pretty much me in a nutshell.

简言之 这就是我的情况了

Yeah, that's, uh... that's it in a nutshell.

是的 简而言之就是这个意思

A casino was robbed. I was framed. In a nutshell.

简单来说 一家赌场被抢 我被人陷害

In a nutshell, the paper's in a dire situation.

简而言之 目前状况岌岌可危

But in a nutshell, I have to undermine confidence in his verdict.

但简而言之 我必须削弱他的判决的可信度

No, just nutshelling through this case, batting it around.

不 只是在概括案情 寻求突破

In a nutshell, it's all turned to soot and black ash.

简单来说 都烧成灰烬了

She called them the nutshell studies of unexplained death.


Yeah, well, that's why I came down here because usually I'm privy to the nutshell.

所以我才下来这里 因为我很善于概括

My job in a nutshell is to put these kids on airplane mode.

简而言之我的职责 就是把这些孩子们调到飞行模式
