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◎ 单词释义

n. 白扬

v shake with fast, tremulous movements
v shake with seismic vibrations



No, it's not. I can't quake this away.

不是的 这事我不能震走

Won't be quaking anything with this thing on.

有这个东西 我什么也震不了

Yeah. If I can't quake it, I'll break it.

嗯 如果震不了 就轟碎

I think about everything that you went through after the quake.


We may have bigger problems than the quake.

比起地震 我们可能会遇到更严重的问题

I came by to see if she was okay after the quake.


I quake when I think of the bravery that took.


We can't quake our way out because it might set it off.

我们也不能震出去 因为可能会触动炸弹

Don't burn yourself out on quake and playing stocks.


Do that, and I can pinpoint the source of the quake.

按我说的做 我就能找到震源