a. 连…也没有的
s. (used with singular count nouns) colloquial for `not a' or `not one' or `never a'
Nari, we're, we're, we're trying to play.
纳里 我们 我们在玩游戏
Because I saw her last night, and there was nary a mention of you.
因为我昨晚见过她 对你可是只字未提
I heard nary an objection when you were cold and starvin', my son.
儿子 在你饥寒交迫时 我可没听你发出过如此的反对之声
On those who attended the jester's burial, nary a *ile was to be found.
参加弄臣葬礼的人 脸上没有一丝笑容
But we'll be in the money so fast, nary a payment will be missed.
但我们会赚得很快 不会错过任何一次付款
Scores of the militia who sought him found slaughtered with nary a trace of him.
负责寻找他的民兵团 全都惨遭* 无人知晓他的行踪
The things we want and the things we get, and nary shall they meet.
我们想要的和我们得到的 从来就不是一回事
yet with nary a detail of what you heard, you expect me to read his mind.
这些事儿你都不知细节 却指望我去读取他的思想
You're choking, like you're drowning, but ain't nary a drop of water in sight.
你会窒息 就像在溺水一样 但周围却没有一滴水
Nari is going to meet you down at the police station, there's one that's half a mile away from your place.
纳里会和你在警局会合 距离你家半英里的地方就有一家