n. 爽快;温柔
n. the trait of exhibiting no personal embarrassment or concern
n. lacking any distinctive or interesting taste property
I thought it was the bland leading the bland.
It...it was just so bland and corporate.
這工作太平淡 企業氣息太濃了
It was just so... bland and corporate.
这工作太平淡 企业气息太浓了
It's incredibly bland, but it's very filling.
極其寡淡無味 但飽腹感強
I mean that you're bland, and I mean that you're boring.
我的意思是你既平淡无奇 又乏味无趣
An escape from the bland, the mundane, the vanilla.
摆脱平淡 世俗 平凡
What he wanted was a bland food unit.
You used to be kind of bland, no offense.
你以前有点乏味 无意冒犯
It's okay. I have a pretty bland face.
没关系 我长得挺大众化
Super bland, but he needs the calories.
没什么特别的 但是他需要卡路里