
音标/读音 ['fæʃәnәbli]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 时髦地, 按照流行地

r. in a fashionable manner



Now I see where this guy gets his fashion sense from a beautiful, fashionable lady from a famously fashionable family.

我知道我哥们的时尚品味来自哪里了 一位来自声名显赫的 时尚家族的美丽时髦的女士

And old fashioned girl with old fashioned values.

我喜欢传统的女孩 有着传统的价值观

The fashion show went from being a fashion show to being an hour of entertainment.

它从一个单纯的时尚秀 变成了一小时的娱乐时光

You both have the same fashion sense.


We're not concerned with how fashionable it is.


You won't believe it, but it's fashionable here.

你不会相信的 但这发型在这里还挺潮

Or... we could overpower them with fashion.

或者 我们可以用 时尚来打败他们

So, you're at a fashion event without me.


That would be like if I talk to you about fashion.


When it comes to fashion, you are my guru.

在时尚穿搭方面 你一直是我的导师