
音标/读音 ['blækaut]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 灯火管制, 暂时的意识丧失, 灯火熄灭, 删除
[计] 电网掉电

n. a suspension of radio or tv broadcasting
n. darkness resulting from the extinction of lights (as in a city invisible to enemy aircraft)
n. the failure of electric power for a general region
n. a momentary loss of consciousness



And as I get my strength back, you'll have more and more blackouts until life is one long, continuous blackout.

随着我的力量慢慢恢复 你会有越来越多的断片 直到生命仅剩下永无止境的断片

He has these blackouts, and he loses himself.

他有时会记忆断片 神志不清

They'll wear you out. It was only a blackout.

他们会把你累垮的 这就是晕厥

Either you're lying or you had a blackout.

要么你在撒谎 要么你不记得了

Before my medications, I would, uh, have blackouts.

我在接受治疗之前 我有时会失去意识

You don't dream in a blackout,you moron.


But tonight, I'm hoping for a blackout.

然而今晚 我只求一醉方休

and you blackout. I've seen you black out.

你也断片过 我见过你昏过去

Blackout, as in nothing in the head.

喝得失忆 头脑一片空白

It... I shouldn't have sent him over there in the middle of a blackout.

我就不该在断电期间 让他过去
