
音标/读音 ['pɒkmɑ:kt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 有痘疮的

v mark with or as if with pockmarks
s used of paved surfaces having holes or pits
s marked by or as if by smallpox or acne or other eruptive skin disease



The textured walls, the pockmarks and the dents.


Just a pockmark, a series of little lakes.

这里坑坑洼洼 一连串小湖泊

Spout black blood from an earth which is riven and pockmarked.


The mountainsides are pockmarked with robber holes, that is, illegal excavations carried out by looters.

山坡上布满了坑洞 这些都是掠夺者非法挖掘留下的

Pockmarks along the pelvic bone caused by ligaments tearing during childbirth.

沿着盆骨的疤痕 是由生产过程的韧带撕裂造成

The largest prairie dog towns stretch over tens of miles, their excavated homes pockmarking the prairie landscape.

最大的土拨鼠镇能延绵数十英里 它们挖掘的洞穴令大草原满目疮痍

A metropolis pockmarked with strange rocks, haunted by footprints of ancient giant reptiles, and lined with a vast curtain of solidified lava.

这座大都市里怪石密布 留有远古巨型爬行动物的足迹 另有形似巨型窗帘的凝固火山岩树立之上

And every one of these little pockmarks has been made by somebody's tool, with hundreds of men hacking away to get this statue like this.

而每一个这样的小凹痕 都是由某个人用工具凿出来的 几百人千锤万凿 才造就了这尊石像

So the whole thing is just pockmarked as far as you can see, filled with water, so you get these ornamental water features that people build their houses and jetties around.

所以我们目力所及全是这些坑坑洼洼 水填上坑 就形成这些观赏性的水景 人们在水景四周盖房子 建码头