
音标/读音 [ɪm'pru:dntlɪ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 鲁莽地, 不小心地

r. in an imprudent manner



I just think that it was imprudent to talk to him about it.

我只是觉得 与他面谈是很不明智的

Even if his colonial sympathies sometimes led him to imprudence.

就算他那殖民者的同情 会让他有些鲁莽

My imprudence should not be mistaken for treason, nor should it prevent me from continuing on my journey.

但这样的口不择言不应被视为叛国 也不应阻碍我继续赶路

Sir, I implore you, it is imprudent to go beyond these walls.

先生 我恳请你 离开这里太不明智了

That one's driver will park one's carriage imprudently too far from whence one is going.

有人的车夫一不小心把他的马车 停得离他想去的地方有点远了
