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中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 伯爵(earl的复数)

n a British peer ranking below a marquess and above a viscount



Earl, you would not believe where we are.

厄尔 你绝对想不到我们现在在哪

Earl, you're supposed to be in the diner.

厄尔 你现在应该在餐厅里才对

The earl has to introduce his people to you.


It came to be known as the flight of the earls.


Earl, I told you to mop the entrance.

厄尔 我说了让你拖门口的地

Earl better not be dead, or I'll kill him.

厄尔最好不是死了 不然我一定杀了他

Earl found it and accidentally shot himself.

厄尔找到了 失手打死了自己

Earl, I'm not ‭letting go of this baby.

厄尔 这孩子我不会放手

Earl's always been a father to him to both of us.

在他看来 厄尔一直如同父亲一般 在我看来也是

Earl, I want to introduce you to somebody.

厄尔 我想介绍个人给你认识
