
音标/读音 [,eivi'ɔniks]
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◎ 单词释义

[计] 航空电子学

n. science and technology of electronic systems and devices for aeronautics and astronautics



I told the pilot to turn off the avionics.


There's a solid metal bulkhead between avionics and cargo.


That's when airline officials announced the crash was due to an avionic malfunction.

当时航空公司的官员宣称 坠机是航空电子设备的故障引起的

He kidnapped the daughter of an avionics specialist who helped him hack the drone.

他绑架了一位航空电子专家的女儿 以此要挟帮他黑进无人机系统

This way, they can hack into the avionics system of the plane and bring them down.

这样他们就能黑进飞机里的航电系统 从而使飞机坠毁

I can try and hack into the onboard avionics, try and take control.

我可以尝试黑进机载航空电子设备 从而控制飞机

The crash caused avionics stock to rise, but there are easier ways to make money than crashing a plane.

坠机事故导致航电股股价暴涨 但要想赚钱 多的是比坠机更简单的办法啊

Okay, if you can get the fire out, there's a thick, black power cable that runs high along the wall to the avionics bay.

好吧 如果你能把火扑灭 有一条粗粗的黑色电缆 在墙上端 通往飞行区
