
音标/读音 [mai'әupiә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 近视
[医] 近视

n. (ophthalmology) eyesight abnormality resulting from the eye's faulty refractive ability; distant objects appear blurred



I became singleminded to the point of myopia.


Myopia is one of the most obvious signs of a disadvantaged birth.


My motherinlaw has a certain myopia when it comes to anyone else's point of view.

我婆婆对他人的观点 向来看不清楚

I've noticed you have a tendency toward myopia, tunnel vision, blows investigations.

我发现你有点缺乏远见 目光短浅 搞砸调查

As with most cases of degenerative myopia, your daughter's vision loss is progressing steadily and rapidly.

跟大多数退行性近视眼病例一样 你女儿的视力正在急剧衰退

Premature baldness, myopia, alcoholi* and addictive susceptibility, propensity for violence, obesity etc..

早秃 近视 酗酒和成瘾倾向 暴力倾向 肥胖等等

In my expert medical opinion, blunt ocular trauma is known to cause myopia, which in layman's term is nearsightedness.

从我医学的专业角度来说 眼球钝挫伤会造成短视 通俗点说就是近视
