vt. 使变硬, 使坚强, 使冷酷
vi. 变硬, 变冷酷
v. become hard or harder
v. make hard or harder
Some of this stuff has hardened into bricks.
I won't have hardened criminals exposing themselves to it.
I'm in prison now. It's hardened me.
我现在进监狱了 变坚强了
I am but hardened by it, and the lessons it has taught.
也同样磨砺了我 使我教训深刻
Which caused him to harden then shatter.
He's not a gangster or a hardened criminal.
他不是歹徒 也不是惯犯
This isn't the work of a hardened criminal.
If you're going to survive, you'll need to harden up.
如果你想活下去 就要狠心起来
The killer is not a hardened criminal, because they do not panic.
凶手不是惯犯 因为惯犯行凶不会慌神
The heat is rising as the dome hardens.
穹顶在硬化 气温会升高