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中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[计] 简明性, 简洁性
[经] 简洁性

n. terseness and economy in writing and speaking achieved by expressing a great deal in just a few words



Keep your answers concise, you'll be great.

回答时简明扼要 你没问题的

Name a more concise protestation than a bomb.


But I'm gonna take your advice and try to be more concise.

但我会接受你的建议 尽量说得简洁点

This is as concisely as I can express my love for my love.


Apparently, it's good for getting more concise answers.


I thought you laid it out clearly and concisely for him that it was all three.

我觉得你已经简明扼要地向他解释了 他们三个都是杀人犯

I must warn you, I have an 11:30, so please be concise.

我得告诉你 我十一点半有约了 所以长话短说吧

Instead of me stammering in fits and starts, a letter is more concise.

以避免我想告诉他时无法开口 还是信比较简洁明了

I doubt I could get through a single day without your clear and concise instruction.

没有你简单明了的命令 我觉得我一天都活不下去

And as such, I will now impart the necessary knowledge in a concise but emotionally resonant way.

因此 我现在将以简洁又能引起情感共鸣的方式 把必要的信息传递给你们
