
音标/读音 [bi'si:tʃiŋli]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 恳求地

r. in a beseeching manner



Now, I beseech you to think of your daughter.

现在 我恳求你想想你的女儿

I beseech you,let it be remembered in his punishment.

我恳请你 在处罚的时候别忘了这一点

As your humble servants, we beseech thee.

作为您卑微的仆人 我们恳求您

Lord above, we beseech you, hear our prayer.

主上 我们恳求您 请听我们的祈祷

I humbly beseech you, please forgive me for my sins.

我膜拜你 请宽恕我的罪过

Your faithful servant beseeches you in his hour of need.


Lord, we beseech your help in these times for our country.

主啊 我们祈求您帮助我们的国家

At the beseeching of your wife... who they say is a good woman.

是你妻子恳求的 听说她是个好女人

Isaac, I beseech you, in this most private and important matter, do my bidding where I cannot.

艾萨克 我请求你 这是一件极其重要而又私人的事 帮我一下吧

Two of my clan are in grave peril and we beseech your aid.

我的两个族人身处险境 我们需要你的帮助
