
音标/读音 [æ'riәulә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 细隙, 网隙
[医] 晕; 细隙, 小区

n. small space in a tissue or body part such as the area between veins on a leaf or an insect's wing
n. small circular area such as that around the human nipple or an inflamed area around a pimple or insect bite



There might be lumps under the areola.


I'd do it, too, except my areolas are crosseyed.

换我我就去 只是我的乳晕斗鸡眼

You can't because your head's down and there's areolas and it *s up your periph.

因为你根本没法抬头 还有乳晕什么的挡住了视线

Well, there's no discernible detumescence, no corrugation of the areolae.

她身上既没有明显地消肿 乳晕也没有起皱

We remove the nipple and the areola, and we take the breast tissue out through here, leaving the skin to form an envelope that will help create the reconstructed breast.

将*和乳晕切除 从这里取出乳腺组织 留下大部分皮肤 以便进行*再造术

So, apparently, you just fold it down from the base of the areola, and then rather than pushing his face onto the breast, just squeeze a little bit of milk out onto the tip of the nipple, brush his lips across the nipple so that he decides to take it.

显然你只要 从乳晕底部把它向下折 不要把宝宝的脸推到你的胸上 而是在奶头上面挤出一点奶 把他的小嘴蹭在奶头上 他就会吃了
