
音标/读音 [.kæmә'rɑ:dәri:]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 友情;同志之爱

n the quality of affording easy familiarity and sociability



The camaraderie, the bursting of each other's balls.

满满兄弟情 打包哥们蛋什么的

You can spare me the counterfeit camaraderie.


A strong camaraderie between the divers has been forged.


Plus, I miss the girls and the camaraderie.

再加上我想念姑娘们 还有我们的情谊

The camaraderie at this hospital is really inspiring.


It was about the camaraderie, everybody rooting for the same team.

重点是友情 大家都支持同一支队伍

You know what I mean? I thank you for the camaraderie.

你懂吗 我感谢这样的兄弟情

Camaraderie, communion, family, friendship, love, what have you.

同志情谊 教派 家庭 友谊 爱 这些定义了你的联系

I mean, I admit, it's been bad for ideas, but it's been great for camaraderie.

我承认这对我们想办法没帮助 但能加深我们的感情啊

One of the things I miss is actually the camaraderie in a bakery.
