
音标/读音 ['mʌltiplai]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

v. 繁殖, 乘, 增加
[计] 乘

v. combine by multiplication
v. combine or increase by multiplication
r. in several ways; in a multiple manner



This should speed up as they multiply.


And from there, my questions only multiply.

从那件事看来 我的疑问只增不减

All we wanted to do was multiply that love.


Either you divide them, or they multiply.

要么你把他们除掉 要么他们就会相乘壮大

It will multiply the darkness so that it cannot be destroyed.

黑暗會被翻倍 再也無法被毀滅

We then multiply this by the fraction on which life develops.


It's multiplying, then solidifying in an orderly fashion.

它先自行复制 然后再凝结成规则的形状

You see, the number of your enemies is about to multiply.

知道吗 你的敌人数量就要成倍地增长了

I miss you more, multiplied by all the stars in our galaxy.

我更想你 乘以全银河系的星星

Give me two numbers, and I'll multiply them.

給我兩個數字 我把它們相乘