
音标/读音 [skim]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 撇取浮沫, 略读, 掠过
vi. 擦过, 浏览
n. 脱脂乳, 擦过, 表层物
a. 撇去浮沫的

n. a thin layer covering the surface of a liquid
n. reading or glancing through quickly
v. cause to skip over a surface
v. coat (a liquid) with a layer



That's why I was skimming from his cartel.


Vincent told you that I was skimming.


Everyone's out for themselves, skimming off the top.

大家都只顾自己 想多捞一笔

I only skimmed it before, but it was sufficient to hire you.

我之前只是草草读过 但也足够让我聘用你了

If you skim it off the top it's not as bad.

如果你把上面油撇了 還不太糟

So I skimmed. I learned a thing or two.

我看了一下 发现了些事

You skimmed it from your partners in the far east.


If we didn't, they wouldn't build the next one and we couldn't skim off that.

被拖着 他们就没法继续建别的 我们也不能从中获利

after the proprietor skims some off the top, of course.

当然 庄家会先拿走一些彩头

Yeah, but you know what happens if we skim.

