
音标/读音 [kәun]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 圆锥体, 球果
vt. 使成锥形

n. any cone-shaped artifact
n. a shape whose base is a circle and whose sides taper up to a point
n. cone-shaped mass of ovule- or spore-bearing scales or bracts
n. a visual receptor cell in the retina that is sensitive to bright light and to color



Now, there's a marked cone at the location of each body part, and each photograph corresponds to a cone.

每个发现尸块的地方都做了标记 此外每张照片都与标记对应

Table one gets one pine cone, table two gets two pine cones you get it.

一号桌放一颗松果 二号桌放两颗松果 你懂的

I couldn't see him because of the cone.


You know what? I'm taking these cones.

知道吗 我要拿走这些小路障

Firstly, snip off some of the fruiting cones.

首先 剪下一些锥形成果

I'm paying for the cones and there's a dog outside.

我正在付钱买甜筒 外面有只狗

More of a cone than a dome, bit like a beehive.

比起圆圆的穹顶 它更像是个椎体 有点像蜂巢

Keep your nickel and buy yourself an icecream cone.

留着这硬币 自己买雪糕筒

Maybe a doggie cone isn't a bad idea.


It's like a snow cone of bad decisions.
