vt. 贴错标签
s branded or labeled falsely and in violation of statutory requirements
I think for transpeople, you don't want to be mislabelled, essentially, and your voice is another thing that can help mislabel.
对于变性人来说 你不会想被误认 而你的嗓音 正会让人误解
That's when I knew that the first scan had been mislabeled.
Well, this one's just about aqueducts, so, it's mislabeled.
这是关于渡槽的 标签错了
Probably some mislabeled hazardous material caught fire.
All right, now, your error calculations were great, but you mislabelled the axes on your plots.
在这儿 你的误差计算很棒 但是你把函数中的坐标轴弄错了
That kind of error, mislabelling satsumas as phones, it's something that's called a false positive.
刚刚那种将橘子当作是手机的错误 被称为假阳性
They say that my packing was mislabeled because even though my chickens are cagefree, they're not cagefree according to the government.
他们说我的包装描述有问题 因为即便我家的鸡是放养的 但根据政府规定那不算放养
This is kind of present scanning, but from the perspective of the gift box and you can imagine just how much pain and anxiety it might cause to be mislabelled.
这里扫描的只是礼物 但通过礼物盒带来的感受 我们可以想象 误报可能会给人带来 多么巨大的痛苦和焦虑