
音标/读音 [kә'leit]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 校对, 校勘
[计] 整理

v. compare critically; of texts
v. to assemble in proper sequence



You spy on people? I collate data.

你*人们 我整理数据

Collating from multiple agencies, and knowing where to pull from.

要对照多个机构的数据 还要知道这些数据从哪来的

Collated the logos for your 3:00 p.m.


I shall collate and send it to you as soon as possible, my dear.

我会尽快调出来发给你 亲

I can collate it all and we can build up a picture of what animals are living here.

我来进行核对整理 这样我们就能全面地了解居住在这里的动物

Your room's been covered by your employer, so all that's left is to collate your bar bill.

你老板已经帮你支付了房费 所以剩下的就是核对你的酒水账单了

All you do is collate the colored sheets and put them in the folder, like you see here.

你只需要整理这些彩色的表格 把它们放进文件夹里 就像这样

Every time we browse the internet, what we do can be collated and sold to advertisers.

每次我们上网 我们的浏览信息就能被收集并卖给广告商

Bring us details of the synchotron, heat output, collated angles and trajectories.

把同步加速器的材料带出来 磁场强度 对照角度 粒子轨道

Collecting data, collating, running algorithms, doing anything that I could do to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

收集数据 整理资料 运行程序 我用尽各种手段 将所有线索拼凑起来
