
音标/读音 ['bәugi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 妖怪, 可怕的人(物)
[电] 标准

n. an evil spirit
n. (golf) a score of one stroke over par on a hole
v. to shoot in one stroke over par



You have two bogeys at your 3 o'clock.


Sir, I've got a visual on the bogey.

长官 我看到不明物体了

Chin, you got a bogey heading your direction.

阿成 有一车坏人朝你的方向去了

Clooney to belfry I've got a bogey with a gun.

克鲁尼呼叫钟楼 发现持枪小怪一只

Commander, next bogey you see, you take it out.

少校 再看到导弹就干掉它

Clooney slooped the bogey, now he's headed for the kitchen.

克鲁尼惊动了小怪 他朝厨房去了

Chief, once we spot a bogey, you'll only have 5 seconds to take it out.

军士长 一旦我们发现导弹 你必须五秒内击落它

I got two bogeys coming your way, pal.

两个敌人朝你的方向去了 兄弟

But we got a bogey comin' in hot up the starboard bow over here.


Bogey is matching airspeed and running a parallel track.

疑似目标和我们速度一致 同向而行
