
音标/读音 [ʃi:t]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 床单, 张, 纸张, 印刷品, 裹尸布, 薄片
vt. 盖上被单, 遍布
vi. 大片落下
a. 片状的, 成薄片的
[计] 工作表

n. any broad thin expanse or surface
n. paper used for writing or printing
n. bed linen consisting of a large rectangular piece of cotton or linen cloth; used in pairs
n. a flat artifact that is thin relative to its length and width



As you can see, there are sheets on the chairs, there's sheets on the table.

如你所见 椅子上铺着床单 桌上也铺着床单

I mean, silk sheets would be nice or any kind of sheets.

我想 有丝绸床单就好了 或者其他各种床单都行

They wrapped them in yellow sheets, and the yellow sheets would stick up through the mud.

他们用*的床单裹好尸体 黄床单上粘满了泥土

If he's sitting on the sheet, the sheet has to be washed, he has to go up, his clothes have to go in the wash.

如果他正好坐在床单上 那张床单就必须洗 他得站起来 他的衣服也得洗

You had two sets of sheets, a terrycloth robe, three sets of pajamas, five sheets.

你有两套床单 一条毛巾款睡袍 三套睡衣还有五条被单

26 boxes, approximately 4,000 sheets a box that's roughly 104,000 sheets.

一共二十六箱 一箱四千页左右 加起来大概一共十万零四千页

You didn't have the option then of buying a record so you buy the sheet music, and then once we did have records that were at a price the general public could afford, then sheet music becomes less.

当时没办法买唱片 所以就买散页乐谱 等到唱片的价格 达到了大众能接受的水平 散页乐谱就越来越少了

She's on the gurney, under the sheet.

她在担架上 被床单裹着

That your friend's not warming my sheets.


Fine. I have some sheets at the shop.

好吧 我店里有一些床单