
音标/读音 [spu:f]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 幽默的讽刺诗文, 愚弄, 戏弄
v. 对...作幽默讽刺, 戏弄, 哄骗
a. 哄骗认的

v. make a parody of



But cool thing is how it was spoofed.


Because you can satirize and spoof yourself out of your objective.

因为你可以在你自己的电影里 对自己做出各式各样的讽刺和戏弄

I have been trying to spoof the beacon and it's not working.

我一直在尝试假冒信标 但是没用

I spoofed her cell, checked her calendar.

我入侵了她的手机 查了她的日程

I've picked up her phone signal and spoofed it.

我劫持了她的手机信号 然后做了点小动作

I can't spoof you ‭any deeper into the bay.


Guys, this is a perfect time for a camera loop spoof.

大伙们 这是播放摄像头循环欺骗的最佳时机

Spoofed a call location, stole a man's voice.

伪装来电地址 模仿人的声音

Apparently, it's a new scam where they spoof the 800 number.

听说这是一种新型诈骗 他们搞了800开头的号码

And they have to be connected to the high school's network in order to spoof the computer.

他们必须得连上高中的网络 才能冒充那台电脑
