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◎ 单词释义

n. 伯特(男子名, 等于Burt)



Bert, turn off there, up that street.

伯特 在那里拐弯 顺着那条街直走

Bert's one of the top guys in his field.


Bert, you take her home. I'm going to stay.

伯特 你带她回家 我留下来

Bert's been so grumpy lately, and he always cheers up when he talks to you.

伯特最近很暴躁 他每次一跟你聊 心情就好了

Bert's carbon monoxide levels are down from 55% to 15.

伯特的一氧化碳水平 已经从55%降到了15%

Bert has only learnt how to do two things in his life that's be a soldier and be a footballer.

博特一生只学会了两件事情 成为一名战士 成为一名足球运动员

Bert walked into my life or I'd have left a sick man for my new hu*and.

伯特走进了我的人生 不然我会为了伯特离开那个病秧子

Bert's money might run out, but I can beg until the end of time.

伯特的万贯家财有尽时 我的跪求*无绝期

Bert, you're a good guy; you deserve a woman who's interested in more than just your money.

伯特 你是个好人 你值得被一个爱你 而不是只爱你的钱的女人爱

Bert, I've gotta take Ida back since she stayed so late.

伯特 这么晚了 我得送艾达回家